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Discover the first corn maze in the Baix Empordà

If you want to come and enjoy a unique experience in a magical environment for the whole family, make your reservation!


Detalls de l’activitat
: Al voltant d’1 horeta, tot trobant pistes i preguntes a completar.
Cost: El cost és de 9€ adults majors de 10 anys i 6€ menors de 10 anys, menors de 4 anys gratuït
Horari: de 17:00h a 20:00h
Portar calçat esportiu, còmode i repel·lent de mosquits.
Pàrquing gratuït.

Nit de por al laberint 👻🎃🕯️⚰️
T’atreveixes a venir al Laberint Can Pujol de terror?
Data: 26 d’Agost de 2023 de 22h a 00h
Preu: 15€ entrada o 20€ entrada més beguda terrorífica
Porta calçat còmode, repel·lent de mosquits, frontal o llanterna i deixa a casa la por!
Activitat no apte per menors de 14 anys. Places limitades.



Did you know that Pujol’s Family is the third generation in the agriculture’s world? In order to make it grow in popularity, we have decided to add a complementary activity to rural tourism: The Can Pujol corn maze.

Lots of roads, some of them with no exit. Lots of clues to build sentences, to make questions or relate images. And a small prize at the end! This is what you will live if you join us to discover the new activity from Can Pujol. Three and a half hectares, made of corn and with completely different routes every year. At the exit you will find an outdoor area to have some snacks! Because there’s no better way to celebrate that we have been able to get out of a big mess.

Come this summer with your family or a group of 10 maximum and put on the most comfortable clothes from your closet. We dare you to enjoy this pioneering activity in the area!

It’s time to get lost in the maze. Are you going to miss it?


Find us

The corn maze is located in Serra de Daró, between Parlavà, Torroella de Montgrí and Ullastret, in the middle of l’Empordanet with The Montgrí’s views.

Click on the following link to enter in Google Maps: Open map


Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly.

🏠 C/ Orient 11, Serra de Daró 17133


📱 +34 619 81 25 57
